Protect Your Privacy with Expert Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)

As the technology universe continues to grow, sensitive information and facilities become more vulnerable to malicious attacks from internal threats, criminal activity, business competitors, threats from foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations. Traditional technical, physical and digital security methods sometimes fail to deter the plans and intentions of criminal or rogue agents attempting to gain unauthorized access.

Unlike other TSCM providers, we operate and maintain the latest generation equipment, and maintain all of our equipment in-house, in a controlled, sterile environment.


In the event individuals or entities suspect they are under surveillance by an illegal eavesdropper, stopping the exposure quickly is critical. Our “rapid response team” of TSCM and counterespionage professionals stand ready to assist you.

Some of the TSCM options available to our clients include:

• Technical Threat Analysis
• Telephone System Analysis
• Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum Analysis
• Infrared Thermography Analysis
• Electronic Inspections for covert cameras
• Analysis of electrical outlets, telephone cables and wiring
• Physical search of the targeted area

If you require more information about our Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) services, contact us so we can analyze and customize your needs.