Professional Armed Security Services for Maximum Protection and Peace of Mind

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY Services provides armed security officers for businesses or facilities that require more extensive protection. We take the safety and security of your assets seriously, and offer fully licensed, insured, and bonded armed security services to financial institutions, industrial facilities, and more.

We work closely with you to determine the level of armed security your facility requires, and endeavor to provide the very best security services we can.

Our armed security officers have extensive experience and have undergone rigorous training to ensure that they are able to provide the highest level of security possible. We ensure that our officers meet or exceed state requirements and are fully licensed, insured, and bonded.

Perhaps equally important, we ensure that our armed security officers possess the stability, maturity, and temperament to handle the responsibilities of armed security. We recruit extensively from the ranks of off-duty and retired law enforcement officers that draw on a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience.

If you require more information about our Armed Security services, contact us so we can analyze and customize your needs.