Advanced Access Control Security Services for Complete Protection

While burglar alarm systems are designed to protect a client from losses after hours, access control systems are an important component in preventing losses during normal operating hours by controlling which people can enter various areas during a given time period. Controlling access is the first step to safeguarding both physical and intellectual property, and in the corporate arena, theft of intellectual property can be even more damaging than the theft of goods.

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY designs and installs all types of access control systems from simple single door readers to full building access control systems including badge printers, card readers and turnstiles.

 Advanced access control systems like keypad alarm systems and biometric readers afford our clients many advantages over traditional locks and keys. These newer systems enable the user to lock and unlock doors automatically, to track the movements of employees, vendors, etc. Information can be safely stored on-site and off site in a secure facility and accessed to review accidents and security breaches.

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY can layer access control systems into a cohesive and comprehensive security plan that includes varying aspects of the physical layout. Some integration options are:

• Heating and Cooling Systems
• Intercom Systems
• Electronic Locks Systems
• Closed Circuit Television Systems
• Covert systems
• RFID Technology
• Telecommunication Systems
• Turnstiles
• Keypad Systems
• Biometric Readers
• Card Access

If you require more information about our CCTV Systems services, contact us so we can analyze and customize your needs.